The recent Gemini Full Moon wasn’t just an astronomical alignment—it was a cosmic knitting circle of dreams and opportunities! At 23° Gemini, this lunar marvel teamed up with Jupiter at 15° Gemini, forming a trine with Venus. Think of it as the universe pulling out its finest needles and weaving a celestial shawl of abundance, clarity, and joy.
Now, let’s talk Mercury. Gemini’s ruling planet decided to switch from reverse to direct at 6° Sagittarius—a degree known for reconciliation. If your life felt like a tangled ball of yarn during Mercury retrograde, get ready for those knots to loosen. Clarity will flow in, just like when you finally figure out the right tension for your stitches. Conversations that previously unraveled into confusion will now glide as smoothly as bamboo needles through silk yarn.
Jupiter: The Kris Kringle of the Skies
Jupiter, often called the Kris Kringle of astrology, is here to sprinkle its magnanimous magic on your life. Paired with the Full Moon, these two forces amplify each other’s energy, much like double-stranding yarn to create something thicker, warmer, and more luxurious. Add Venus to the mix, and you’ve got a cosmic pattern that’s as harmonious as perfectly matched variegated skeins.
This celestial event encourages you to stitch together your biggest dreams. What intentions will you cast on? Jupiter is all about expansion, so don’t be afraid to knit your desires big and bold!
Mercury Goes Direct: Untangling Miscommunications
Mercury’s direct motion is like a magic row counter—it helps you find your place and keeps you on track. Over the next couple of weeks, you might notice misunderstandings resolving and relationships mending. Conversations that felt frayed at the edges will begin to smooth out, leaving you with a cozy sense of connection.
Winter Solstice: Time to Cast Off the Old
Looking ahead to the Winter Solstice, the Sun enters Capricorn, a sign famous for its results-oriented vibe. With Pluto having left Capricorn after a 15-year stay, the heavy energy that weighed down our projects has finally lifted. This is your moment to finish old projects—whether that’s a scarf you started two winters ago or an emotional chapter that needs closing.
The Capricorn New Moon on December 31 will be the perfect time to block your completed work and prepare for new beginnings. While February is better for major life changes, now is ideal for crafting intentions with the care and focus of a lace project.
A Rare Cosmic Trio
The Gemini Full Moon, Jupiter, and Venus don’t align like this often—it’s a celestial jackpot! Picture the Moon as your favorite knitting light, Jupiter as the expansive space where you spread out your work, and Venus as the embellishments that make everything sparkle. This rare alignment is the ultimate cosmic call to action: grab your needles (or pen) and manifest with intention.
Moon Wishes: Your Manifestation Pattern
Crafting a Moon Wish is a lot like following a knitting pattern. It’s not enough to have good intentions—you need clarity, focus, and a dash of creativity. Jotting down your desires is just the start; shaping them into a clear, structured wish is the secret sauce.
If you need guidance, my book Manifesting with Moon Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Wishing on the Moon is here to help. It’s packed with tips and examples to ensure your wishes resonate with the universe.
Knitting a Future of Possibility
The Gemini Full Moon’s energy is like a basket of fresh yarn—filled with endless potential. Whether you’re manifesting new opportunities, resolving old tangles, or simply enjoying the celestial vibes, this is the time to act.
As daylight starts increasing post-Solstice, remember: every stitch you take now will form the fabric of your future. The Moon, Jupiter, and Venus are rooting for you, so pick up your needles and get stitching!
#ManifestingWithMoonMagic #KatsThreadsOfCourage #FullMoonMagic #GeminiKnitting #AstrologyKnits #ManifestationCrafts #MoonWishMagic #CosmicCreativity #SmallBusinessAstrology