The cosmic fog has lifted—Mercury is direct, and it’s time to celebrate! But don’t put your needles down just yet; this week’s astrology is about weaving clarity into action. The Moon in Cancer kicks off the week, squaring Chiron in Aries, urging us to face emotional challenges. Sure, the Full Moon and Mercury’s shift brought insights, but now it’s time to stitch those revelations into real life!
This week’s theme is honoring your desires. Think of it as swatching before starting a big project—you need stillness to hear your intuition and align your actions.
Tuesday may feel tense as the Moon opposes Pluto and then moves into Leo. It's a reminder to nurture yourself holistically. Imagine yourself wrapped in a comforting knit blanket—supportive and soothing during chaos.
Wednesday brings a cloudy vibe with the Sun squaring Neptune and the Moon opposing Venus. You might feel easily triggered, like a dropped stitch in an otherwise perfect row. But ask yourself: Are you being honest about what you desire? Permission to want what you want is key!
Thursday sparks innovation as the Moon in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Trines with Chiron and Venus to Jupiter offer healing and expansion. Facing fears head-on feels like finishing a challenging project—you realize it wasn’t as scary as it seemed.
Friday finds the Moon in Virgo squaring Mercury. Practicalities may demand attention, but these short frustrations are like weaving in ends—a small task that solidifies your faith in the process.
Saturday kicks off Capricorn season! 🎉 The Moon squares Jupiter, highlighting analysis paralysis. Trust your process; your desires are the truest guides to your path.
Sunday wraps the week with emotional breakthroughs. Dreams or realizations may spark clarity. Let go of what no longer serves you and stitch your way into the future, unburdened by the past.
đź’ˇ Pro tip: The universe is your co-creator, so keep knitting those intentions into reality. Trust the pattern, trust yourself, and trust the stars.